Condominum Courses 2010 - Florida's Condominium Ombudsman's Office

The Office of the State of Florida Condominium Ombudsman was created to serve as a neutral resource for the condominium unit owners, board members and property managers throughout the State of Florida.

The Omdusman's Office is partnering with the City of Miami Beach to present a series of Condominium Workshops with the City of Miami Beach Community Resource and Outreach Team. The remaining dates for 2010 are as follows:

Thursday, June 10, 2010- Condominium Elections

Thursday, September 30, 2010- Condominium Rights and Obligations

Thursday, December, 9, 2010- Basic condominium Finances

All classes will be held at the Miami Beach Regional Library, 227 22 Street, first floor meeting room, from Noon to 3:00 p.m.. The classes will be taught by William And Susan Raphan.

For further information please contact Lynn W. Bernstein, City Manager's Office, 305.673.7000, ext. 6178 or email: