Folio Numbers
The Real Estate Folio Number, also known as Parcel Number or Property ID Number, is a 13 digit sequence that is particular to a single piece of property.
You can search for a real estate folio number by address or name using the Property Search application (Below).
Each digit, or set of digits, has a meaning or origin in the composition of the Folio Number.
The folio number consists of 13 numbers (i.e. 00-0000-000-0000).
The first 2 digits represent the municipality code. The number 30 has been reserved to represent the unincorporated areas of Miami-Dade County.
The next 4 digits identify the location on a map, based on Township, Range and Section
Townships run from North to south in ascending order, from 51 to 60. Each township is six square miles, divided into 36 sections.
Ranges run from West to East in ascending order from 35 to 42.
Sections determine the location within a township and range. A section is one square mile (1 square mile = 640 acres).
The next three digits represent the subdivision, acreage or plat.
000 = a subdivision that has not been platted
001 = the first plat within the section of the township and range.
The final four digits represent the parcel number, the actual location of a property.